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What is the use of HTML Iframe?

What is the use of HTML Iframe?

Ashutosh Kumar Verma181 10-Jun-2024

HTML Iframe

An HTML iframe (short for inline frame) is used to insert a new HTML document into the current HTML document. This allows you to display content from another site or another part of the same site in your site.

Here are some common HTML iframes

External Inputs
You can embed content from other websites such as maps, videos, or social media feeds into your site using iframes.

Advertisements being shown 
Ads from the ad network can be displayed in iframes on web pages.

Third Party Integration 
Iframes can be used to integrate third-party applications or widgets into the web, such as calendars, chat widgets, or booking systems.

Modular system design 
Iframes allow you to divide your web page into modular components, each with distinct content or functionality.

Proper input 
Iframes provide some protection by sandboxing embedded content, isolating it from the rest of the web page and preventing malicious code from affecting the main page

However, it is important to use iframes judiciously, as overusing them can affect page performance and user experience, and inserting external content if not done properly a, it can pose a safety hazard

Basic Syntax-

 What is the use of HTML Iframe?


Here is a basic example of how you can show a YouTube video on an HTML page

What is the use of HTML Iframe?

In the above example- 
The “iframe” element is used to embed a YouTube video. The src attribute specifies the URL of the video to be embedded (in this case ""). The width and height attributes determine the shape of the iframe, with frameborder="0" removing the border around the iframe. The allowfullscreen attribute enables video playback in full screen mode.


What is the use of HTML Iframe?

Also, Read: Explain the HTML Events.

Updated 10-Jun-2024
Hi! This is Ashutosh Kumar Verma. I am a software developer at MindStick Software Pvt Ltd since 2021. I have added some new and interesting features to the MindStick website like a story section, audio section, and merge profile feature on MindStick subdomains, etc. I love coding and I have good knowledge of SQL Database.

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